The Temple of God: A Precious Gift to Humanity

part 3 of 3

8/14/20242 min read

This is the third blog in a three part series. To understand repentance and the Temple please see the previous 2 blogs – True Repentance and The Sacred Connection of Man and Woman respectively.


In today's world, where the focus is often on material possessions and fleeting pleasures, it is essential to recognize and understand the true value of the Temple of God. The Temple, as defined by the most sacred teachings, refers to the sexual organs of a true man and true woman, united in a loving and committed relationship. As Americans, we must repent for the abuse and misuse of this most precious gift, and strive to protect and honor it within our society.

The Temple and the Fate of Civilizations

History has shown us that a civilization that reveres and protects the Temple of the Most High will flourish and prosper. Conversely, a civilization that rejoices in the destruction of the Temple will ultimately fall and vanish. The Temple serves as the foundation for a healthy society, fostering love, life, and lineage, and fulfilling the three blessings God gave us in Genesis chapter one.

The Temple and God's Love

The Temple represents God's love, as it is the means through which we can experience the love of the divine. In a loving and committed relationship between a true man and true woman, the Temple serves as the gateway for the expression of God's love. By nurturing and protecting the Temple, we can create a world filled with love and compassion, reflecting the divine's eternal love for humanity.

The Temple and God's Life

The Temple also signifies God's life, as it is through the union of a true man and true woman that new life is created. By honoring and respecting the Temple, we ensure the continuation of God's life on Earth, and the preservation of the divine's plan for humanity. A society that values the Temple will be blessed with abundant life, both physically and spiritually.

The Temple and God's Lineage

Lastly, the Temple represents God's lineage, as it is through the union of a true man and true woman that the divine's lineage is passed on to future generations. By protecting and cherishing the Temple, we ensure the continuation of God's lineage, and the preservation of the divine's plan for humanity. A society that values the Temple will be blessed with a strong and righteous lineage, reflecting the divine's eternal purpose for humanity.


As Americans, it is our responsibility to repent for the abuse and misuse of the Temple of God, and to work towards building a society that values and protects this most precious gift. By doing so, we can create a world filled with love, life, and lineage, reflecting the divine's eternal love and purpose for humanity. Let us honor and cherish the Temple of God, and strive to be a shining example of a civilization that flourishes and prospers under the divine's guidance and blessings.